Al-Adalaa - Your Legal Solution

Providing Expert Legal Advice and Debt Collection Services

First of all

Legal Advice and Debt Collection

Get professional legal advice and efficient debt collection services. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing effective solutions for your legal concerns and ensuring successful debt recovery. Trust Al-Adalaa for reliable and comprehensive assistance.

wihte and red sign board near mirror wall building
wihte and red sign board near mirror wall building
Not to mention

Legal Advice

Get professional legal advice and guidance from our experienced team of lawyers. We provide comprehensive solutions for a wide range of legal issues.

man writing on paper
man writing on paper
And let's not forget

Debt Collection

Our debt collection services are designed to help individuals and businesses recover outstanding debts quickly and efficiently. Trust our team to handle your debt recovery process.

a satellite dish on a roof
a satellite dish on a roof

About Al-Adalaa

  • AL-ADALA Foundation for Claims Settlement is one of the leading companies in the United Arab Emirates, headquartered in the Emirate of Dubai.

  • AL-ADALA specialises in providing the highest levels of services in the field of settling claims for individuals and companies of all kinds, as well as banks, and providing support for settling claims with debtors in various types of debts.

  • AL-ADALA works with a large number of distinguished law firms throughout the Emirates, to practice any legal work that its clients may need, to provide legal advice in various fields, to study all types of civil, commercial, real estate and labour cases, as well as insurance cases to collect its clients’ claims and to audit commercial contracts and settlements through legal experts in the country.

مؤسسة العدالة لتسویة المطالبات ھي إحدى الشركات الرائدة في دولة الإمارات العربیة

تختص العدالة بتقدیم أعلى درجات الخدمات في مجال تسویة ال ُمطالبات للأفراد والشركات بكافة أنواعھا وكذلك البنوك ، وتقدیم الدعم لتسویة المُطالبات مع المدینین في مختلف أنواع الدیون

تعمل العدالة مع عدٍد كبیر من مكاتب المحاماة المتمیزة بكافة أنحاء الإمارات ، لممارسة أیة كافة أنواع القضایا المدنیة والتجاریة والعقاریة والعمالیة وكذلك قضایا التأمینات لتحصیل مطالبات عملائها والتدقيق على العقود التجارية والتسويات عن طريق خبراء القانون بالدولة

Your Legal Solution

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